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Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloviyov

NN RUS Original-Titel: Воскресный вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым
Join our host, controversial Russian television personality Vladimir Solovyov, as he presents this political and current affairs talk show. Aimed at discerning and informed viewers, the program discusses the topical issues of the day in various formats including one-on-one interviews and round-table debates. The show hopes to provide in-depth analysis that covers all points of view and addresses the nuances and shades of grey for each subject.



Deutscher Titel Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloviyov
Original Titel Воскресный вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым
Genre NN
Produktionsland Russische Föderation


Moderation Владимир Соловьев
TV Movie empfiehlt