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More Than Sports TV

Skateboarding: Downhill-Weltmeisterschaft

Fun- u. Extremsport GB Original-Titel: World Downhill Skateboarding Championship
Downhill racing is a rare sport where men and women of all ages race their skateboards and street luges down hills in an epic, "nose-to-nose" or "toe-to-toe," 4-6 person battle - all while reaching speeds of up to 120km/h! Not only are races of all genders, ages, and abilities racing together, but each demographic also has it's own category that caters to its specific needs.




Deutscher Titel Skateboarding: Downhill-Weltmeisterschaft
Original Titel World Downhill Skateboarding Championship
Genre Fun- u. Extremsport
Produktionsland Vereinigtes Königreich
Produktionjahr 2022
TV Movie empfiehlt