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National Geographic

Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit

Doku-Reihe CDN Original-Titel: Air Crash Investigation
Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
  • Michael Marx (played by Mark Lutz) studies each piece of the wreckage carefully. He comes across a portion of the engine that separated from the plane as it took off from Chicago's O'Hare Airport. He consults a senior NTSB Investigator (played by Jim Codrington) to determine if it's a clue that can help determine what caused the engine to fall off the DC-10 on May 25, 1979 killing 271 people on board and 2 people on the ground.
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Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
  • Workers bring wreckage into the investigation hangar where an NTSB Investigator (played by Jim Cordrington) and a junior investigator (played by Evert Houston) begin to study the pieces to determine why American Airlines flight 191 crashed during take of from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on May 25, 1979 killing all 271 people on board.
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Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
  • On May 25, 1979 the deadliest single plane airplane crash on US-soil occurred at O'Hare International Airport killing 273 people. In the investigation hangar, a junior investigator (played by Evert Houston) jots down his discoveries from carefully studying the wreckage from the crash in hopes of discovering why one of the plane's 3 engines fell from the aircraft as it lifted off from Chicago.
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Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
  • Michael Marx (played by Mark Lutz) carefully studies all the pieces from the wreckage looking for missing pieces and clues to what may have caused the DC-10 to roll suddenly to the left, and go into a steep dive from which it could not recover. American Airlines Flight 191 crashed into an open field 1,400 meters from the end of the runway killing all 271 people on board and 2 people on the ground. It is still the deadliest single airline accident on U-S soil.
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Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
  • The investigators inspect the slat aculators of the DC-10 American Airlines Flight 191. The investigators check both sides, and find that the slats on the left wing were retracted, but the slats on the right wing were extended. The difference in lift on the two wings caused the plane to go into a dramatic role which caused the plane to stall. The discovery explains why the pilots weren't able to control their aircraft after one of the plane's 3 engines fell off as it lifted off from the runway at Chicago's O'Hare Airport on May 25, 1979.
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American Airlines Flug 191, McDonnell Douglas DC-10 am 25. Mai 1979. Nur Sekunden nachdem der American Airlines Flug 191 in Chicago gestartet war, riss das linke Triebwerk ab. Die Besatzung verlor die Kontrolle über die Maschine, die nur Momente später abstürzte. 273 Menschen starben, es war der Luftverkehrsunfall mit den meisten Opfern in der Geschichte der USA. Die FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) hielt anschließend alle DC-10s des Landes auf dem Boden, während Ermittler damit beschäftigt waren herauszufinden, warum dieses Flugzeug in der Luft einfach auseinanderbrach.


HD 16:9


Deutscher Titel Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
Original Titel Air Crash Investigation
Genre Doku-Reihe
Produktionjahr 2011


Regie Chris King
Regie George D´Amato
Drehbuch Larry Bambrick
TV Movie empfiehlt