SKY Cinema Family HD
Kung Fu Panda
Original-Titel: Kung Fu Panda

- After having spent 20 years in the inescapable Chorh-Gom Prison, Tai Lung (IAN McSHANE) makes his daring escape in DreamWorks? ?Kung Fu Panda,? which will be distributed by Paramount Pictures in June 2008. DreamWorks Animation SKG Presents ?Kung Fu Panda,? a Paramount Pictures release featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Ian McShane, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim and Dan Fogler. The film is directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. The story is by Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris. The screenplay is by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger. The producer is Melissa Cobb. The co-producers are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This film is rated PG for sequences of martial arts action.
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- JACK BLACK voices Po, a clumsy panda unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy and train in the art of kung fu, in DreamWorks? ?Kung Fu Panda,? which will be distributed by Paramount Pictures in June 2008. DreamWorks Animation SKG Presents ?Kung Fu Panda,? a Paramount Pictures release featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Ian McShane, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim and Dan Fogler. The film is directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. The story is by Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris. The screenplay is by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger. The producer is Melissa Cobb. The co-producers are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This film is rated PG for sequences of martial arts action.
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- (Left to right) Director JOHN STEVENSON, producer MELISSA COBB and director MARK OSBORNE, along with some of their animated cast of DreamWorks? ?Kung Fu Panda,? which will be distributed by Paramount Pictures in June 2008. DreamWorks Animation SKG Presents ?Kung Fu Panda,? a Paramount Pictures release featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Ian McShane, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim and Dan Fogler. The film is directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. The story is by Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris. The screenplay is by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger. The producer is Melissa Cobb. The co-producers are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This film is rated PG for sequences of martial arts action.
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- Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy and train in the art of kung fu, giant panda Po (JACK BLACK) finds his physical prowess is directly proportional to his hunger in DreamWorks? ?Kung Fu Panda,? which will be distributed by Paramount Pictures in June 2008. DreamWorks Animation SKG Presents ?Kung Fu Panda,? a Paramount Pictures release featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Ian McShane, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim and Dan Fogler. The film is directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. The story is by Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris. The screenplay is by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger. The producer is Melissa Cobb. The co-producers are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This film is rated PG for sequences of martial arts action.
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- DUSTIN HOFFMAN voices Shifu, the renowned trainer of the legendary Furious Five, in DreamWorks? ?Kung Fu Panda,? which will be distributed by Paramount Pictures in June 2008. DreamWorks Animation SKG Presents ?Kung Fu Panda,? a Paramount Pictures release featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Ian McShane, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim and Dan Fogler. The film is directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. The story is by Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris. The screenplay is by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger. The producer is Melissa Cobb. The co-producers are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This film is rated PG for sequences of martial arts action.
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Hommage auf die Karate-Klassiker der Shaw-Brüder („Das Blut der roten Python“): Dicklicher Bär will Kämpfer werden
Der gutmütige Pandabär Po arbeitet im Restaurant seines Vaters. Bald soll er den Laden übernehmen und Koch der berühmten Nudelsuppe werden, deren letzte Geheimzutat nur sein Vater kennt. Heimlich aber träumt Po von einer Karriere als Kung-Fu-Held. Er bekommt seine Chance, als er versehentlich in die Kür des „Drachenkriegers“ platzt und prompt auserwählt wird. Die Kampfkunst-Ausbildung beim strengen Meister Shifu und seinen Schülern, den Furiosen Fünf, verläuft jedoch nicht unbedingt sehr hoffnungsvoll für den tollpatschigen Panda. Zudem droht Gefahr: Der böse Kung-Fu-Krieger Tai Lung kehrt nach einer langen Zeit im Gefängnis in die Region zurück, um Rache an seinem Erzfeind Shifu zu nehmen und den Titel des angesehenen Drachenkriegers zu beanspruchen.

Diese Gags sind echte Volltreffer: ein großer Spaß
HD 16:9 Dolby DigitalSchauspieler
Po | Jack Black |
Tai Lung | Ian McShane |
Tigress | Angelina Jolie |
Shifu | Dustin Hoffman |
Monkey | Jackie Chan |
Mantis | Seth Rogen |
Viper | Lucy Liu |
Crane | David Cross |
Oogway | Randall Duk Kim |
Mr. Ping | James Hong |
Deutscher Titel | Kung Fu Panda |
Original Titel | Kung Fu Panda |
Genre | Animationsfilm |
Produktionsland | USA |
Produktionjahr | 2008 |
Regie | Mark Osborne |
Regie | John Stevenson |
Drehbuch | Jonathan Aibel |
Drehbuch | Glenn Berger |
Kamera | Yong Duk Jhun |
Produzent | Melissa Cobb |
Produzent | Bill Damaschke |
Produzent | Kristina Reed |