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Humanities Festival

Reportage A Original-Titel: Humanities Festival
JULIE KLINGER in conversation with MISHA GLENNY SUNDAY, 29.09.2024 / 15h30 AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KÜNSTE WIEN, SITZUNGSSAAL The Green energy transition will absorb vast amounts of the so-called Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). Already, the United States, China, and the EU are in a race to secure the supply chains of these CRMs, while producer countries such as Chile and Indonesia are rapidly nationalizing their mining industries to ensure that the demand for these materials does not trigger a new form of colonialism. JULIE KLINGER, the author of Rare Earth Frontiers (Cornell University Press, 2018), has researched CRMs in key territories around the world. In conversation with IWM Rector MISHA GLENNY, she argues that unless countries collaborate in the extraction, processing, and use of these metals, we will have no chance of meeting our ambitious climate targets.



Deutscher Titel Humanities Festival
Original Titel Humanities Festival
Genre Reportage
Produktionsland Österreich
Produktionjahr 2024
TV Movie empfiehlt