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Discovery Channel

Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell

Doku-Reihe GB Original-Titel: Ed Stafford: First Man Out
Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell
  • Mongolia's Gobi desert is the setting for the ultimate survival race as Ed Stafford (l.) is paired against survival supremo and famed endurance athlete Matt Graham (r.)
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Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell
  • Mongolia's Gobi desert is the setting for the ultimate survival race as Ed Stafford is paired against survival supremo and famed endurance athlete Matt Graham.
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Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell
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Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell
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In der unfruchtbaren Steppe findet Ed nur wenige natürliche Ressourcen.


HD 16:9


Self Matt Graham
Self Andrew Wood


Deutscher Titel Ed Stafford: Das Survival-Duell
Original Titel Ed Stafford: First Man Out
Genre Doku-Reihe
Produktionsland Vereinigtes Königreich
Produktionjahr 2019


Regie Rob Sixsmith
Produzent Rohit Tharani
Produzent Bryan Seah
Moderation Ed Stafford
TV Movie empfiehlt